Wordsowers Christian Writers is excited about our
own Queen of the Media, Platform Building and DIY Techie, Angela Meyer,
teaching a workshop for our third writers conference.
Angela joined Wordsowers a number of years ago. In
the spring of 2011 she volunteered along with Jon Miller (then 17), Teresa
Tierney and Kat Crawford to become one of the Wordsowers exciting new
leadership team.
The new team of leaders had a dream, hold our
first Wordsowers Christrian Writers Conference by spring of 2013. Angela built
our website, set up facebook pages and encouraged the rest of the team to dig
into building better websites, too.
Along with building the Wordsowers media world,
Angela wrote her first book and taught workshops on platform building at the
Wordsowers monthly meetings. In December of 2013 she moved from a Leadership
Team roll to being Wordsowers Number One DIY Techi on the Advisory Council.
Kat: You are working on your second novel. When
will it be published?
Angela: The second book in the Applewood Hill series will
be released in early 2016.
Kat: Do you ever get writer’s block? If so, how
do you unblock?
Kat: Ideas are always stirring when it comes to fiction,
but sometimes I get so tired, its hard figuring out how to get those ideas on
Kat: You are presenting a workshop on being a
DIY Techie. For the last three
years you have created Websites, blogs, and
facebook pages for Wordsowers. This year you’ve added memes to the mix. How
have you accomplished all this technical stuff?
Angela: When I first started, I had no idea what I was
doing and attempted to rope my teenage son into helping me. He would say
"Google is your friend, Mom." From then on, when I saw something I
wanted to do, I Googled it, read a lot of articles and watched tutorials to
help me figure it out.
Kat: There are many authors online these days
teaching writers the basics. Is there one author, or one book that helped you?
Angela: When it comes to writing, one of my favorites is
The First 50 Pages by Jeff Gerke. That book helped me tremendously.
Is there something in particular you would like
the WordSowers to pray about?
Angela: Balance. It is really easy to let the
marketing part of writing take over you life. I need to make sure I leave room
to breathe!
If you find Angela with nothing to do at the conference, pick her brain. She is full of information and enjoys helping writers.
by the Lionhearted Kat – One of the Wordsowers Leadership Team